Health & Hygiene

Health & Hygiene

Ahsan Foundation’s Health interventions work to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and marginalised communities. By identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges, we work at the individual, community, and systemic levels to develop innovative solutions and help implement quality healthcare services. The ambit of our work includes improving of maternal and reproductive health, child health and nutrition, and early identification and treatment of communicable diseases.


Child Education

India has made great strides in improving access to quality education, increasing elementary school enrollment and educing the number of out-of-school children.

Health & Hygiene

Ahsan Foundation's Health interventions work to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and marginalised communities.

Livelihood For Women

Ahsan Foundation’s comprehensive program- "LIVE - 3E" (Employment, Entrepreneurship, and Empowerment for WOMEN) works with the women engaged

Support For Disabled

AHSAN FOUNDATION India exist to build an inclusive society where persons with disabilities can achieve their full potential. For over 30 years,

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